UBC Rocket First Blog Post


Glad you’re with us. This is where updates about our team and projects will be posted! Currently our team consists of about twenty members from various engineering disciplines. Fueled with passion, our team will be designing and building a rocket to compete with other students around the world in the 2017 Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition in Utah. Our goal is to launch a rocket 10 000ft in the air with a payload and recover it fully intact.

If you are interested in helping the team, whether it be by being a member or sponsorship, please contact hello@ubcrocket.com.

We are very excited to rock-et and see what we will be able to accomplish this year. Stay tuned!

photo by Peter Thoeny Photo unmodified by Peter Thoeny found on Flickr.

Title image by Erik Charlton, cropped for size.